Reposition AE

Terms And Conditions

    Terms & Conditions Terms & Conditions


    A ‘Client’ refers to any individual, business, or organization using the services provided by

    ‘Site Optimisation’ refers to the specific work aims to accomplish as outlined in our proposal.

    ‘Site’ or ‘Website’ refers to the client’s owned website as seen on the Internet.

    ‘Search Engine’ includes Google, Yahoo, and MSN search.

    ‘Rank’ denotes the position of the client’s website on search engine results.

    ‘SEO’ (search engine optimization) is the process of improving the ranking of a client’s website on search engines.

    ‘Off Page SEO’ involves optimizing the client’s website using methods that don’t require direct edits to the website.

    ‘Monthly Service’ is our standard payment plan, where a monthly payment is collected while the client is subscribed to our SEO service.

    Terms & Conditions:

    The agreement between Reposition and the client is governed by these conditions, which take precedence over all other terms and conditions. Any changes to these conditions will only be effective if agreed upon in a written contract signed by both parties within the past 12 months. All signed agreements are valid for 12 months from the date of the agreement, after which these conditions apply.

    The scope of work to be performed is detailed on the SEO Packages page of the website (if available) or in the proposal document provided to the client. Reposition will start work within 5 working days of receiving the initial payment, often sooner. Monthly non-refundable subscription payments will be collected via PayPal or a similar card processing service.

    The client can terminate the work by providing a minimum of 30 days’ written notice for contracts up to AED 2,100 per month, or 90 days’ written notice for contracts over AED 2,100 per month, effective at the end of the current monthly period. If the notice period extends into the next month, the client is responsible for the full payment for that month; no pro-rated payments will be accepted. If Reposition does not receive payment, work on site optimization will stop until payment is received.

    However, any outstanding payments will remain due. All payments made to Reposition for SEO services are non-refundable. Reposition may need to make edits to the client’s site for optimization purposes or provide instructions on necessary changes. Reposition will strive to improve the client’s website ranking on search engines, but no guarantees are made. The monthly payment covers the work performed. If the client requests additional services, Reposition will endeavor to provide them at’s current standard rates. These rates apply to the time spent on additional tasks and are charged per person.

    Reposition is not financially liable for the client’s website ranking on search engines. Reposition is not liable for any losses or damages incurred by the client or any associated party, whether direct or indirect, immediate or consequential, arising from contract, tort (including negligence), or any other manner, including: special damages, even if Reposition was aware of the circumstances; loss of profits; loss of anticipated savings; loss of business opportunity; loss of goodwill; and loss of or damage to data.

    Reposition is not responsible for any adverse effects on the client’s business operations, sales, or profitability attributed to the services provided by Reposition. The terms and conditions of this website are governed by the laws of UAE. Exclusive jurisdiction for any claims arising from the content of this website lies with the courts of UAE. If any provision of these terms and conditions is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions will remain valid.